حشو الجلد – فيلر

ما هي الحشوات الجلدية (الفيلر) ؟

مواد الحشو الجلدية (بالفيلر) والتي تسمى أحيانًا مواد حشو الأنسجة الرخوة ، عبارة عن مواد مصممة للحقن تحت سطح الجلد لإضافة الحجم والامتلاء.

تشمل المواد المستخدمة في مواد الحشو الجلدية:

هيدروكسيلاباتيت الكالسيوم ، وهو مركب شبيه بالمعادن موجود في العظام.
حمض الهيالورونيك ، والذي يوجد في بعض السوائل والأنسجة في الجسم يضيف سمنة على الجلد.
، هلامية و شفافة متوافق مع الجسم.
حمض البوبيلاكتيك والذي يحفز الجلد لعمل المزيد من الكولاجين.
البوليمرات الميثاكريليت المجهرية ، حشو شبه دائم

تم تصميم كل واحدة منها لعلاج علامات مختلفة من الشيخوخة أو غيرها من القضايا التجميلية.

 علماً بأن الوقت وكذلك المدة التي تستغرقها عمل وفعالية الفيلر تختلف لعدة اسباب وتدوم بعض الحشوات 6 أشهر ، بينما يدوم البعض الآخر حتى سنتين أو أكثر.

يجب على من يريدون هذا العلاج مناقشة احتياجاتهم وتوقعاتهم الفردية مع الطبيب المختص لتحديد نوع الحشو الذي سيكون هو الخيار الأفضل لهم.

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What Can Dermal Fillers Correct?

Different types of dermal fillers are designed to treat varying signs of aging. Depending on the filler selected, they may:

  • plump up thinning lips
  • enhance or fill in shallow areas on the face
  • decrease or remove the shadow or wrinkle under the eyes caused by the lower eyelid
  • fill in or soften the look of recessed scars
  • fill in or soften static wrinkles, especially on the lower face

Static wrinkles include those around the mouth and along the cheeks. These wrinkles are usually a result of a loss of collagen and elasticity in the skin.


Dermal fillers are considered to be safe but side effects can occur. The most common problems include:

  • skin rash, itching, or pimple-like eruptions
  • redness, bruising, bleeding, or swelling
  • undesirable appearance, such as asymmetry, lumps, or overcorrection of wrinkles
  • skin damage that causes a wound, infection, or scarring
  • ability to feel the filler substance under the skin
  • blindness or other vision problems
  • death of skin cells due to loss of blood flow to the area

Our Doctors

Ceyhun Dündar

Consultant Doctor

Abdullah Ünal


Have best treatment from our professional medical team. They are ready to give you best service you deserved.

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At the heart of Istanbul, our clinic is the belief that as medical team, we become the advocate of each of our patient’s overall health. Many of our patients came to us because they wanted more then sterile, assembly line medical care. They wanted care from all porfessional doctors who take the time to listen to them, get to know them and work together with them to achieve optimum health and desired look.

You can be certain, this is the level of care you will receive at our clinic. We warmly welcome new patients because we know many individuals and families are feeling lost in the confusion of today’s medical system. we want everyone to know that we are here for you and ready to become your family’s health care advocates.

  • Body Sculpture
  • Liposuction
  • Gynaecomastia
  • Abdominal Etching
  • Hair Transplantation
  • Blepharoplasty
  • Abdominoplasty
  • Micropigmentation
  • Rhinoplasty

Clients Words

Successful Revision Surgery After a Bad Reconstruction
I had great surgery experience by the help of amazing team. Thanks for all. Having best look ever.
Zhao YanTravel Agent
Dr. Dundar Does Great Work
I had a my child after a succesfull IVF operation. I want to thank all team for all their effort before during and after treatment.
Emilia BustinWriter
48 Yrs Old Desired Lift!
I did not expect such a result before operation. Now I am more self confident and have great feeling.
Margot RobbieArchitect
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